Topic > Debra Lafave Case Study - 1029

Debra Lafave received a lighter sentence because of her appearance, which caused people to discriminate against her in a positive way, and because of the media coverage the case received, in which the minor would have been exposed if she had proceeded with the trial. Both aspects led to an unfair trial and a sentence inadequate to the criminally deviant crime committed. Yet, in a way, the stigma he received due to the popularity of the trial will leave an indelible mark on his life. Perhaps this was his just punishment; she was known for her looks and now everyone recognizes her, making it difficult for her to lead a normal life. On the other hand, this case raises a serious question about society itself: to what extent can we allow our appearance and the media to influence our judgment? What becomes of us if we allow a criminal to receive a lighter sentence because of his appearance and for a few extra minutes of entertainment to take our minds off our problems? Carrying a stigma with you for the rest of your life is enough or too much