In “The Outer Border” the author of the article explains “Although many things go unclaimed, border officials have abused their power in dealing with immigrants… (Altman )” With this statement Altman expresses that border security officials have ultimately crossed the line, as some would say, when coming into contact with migrants. “I can touch you wherever I want, but don't complain too much because I have boots and kicks if I have to, and I also have handcuffs. (Mays,1216)” Through this statement Pat Mora brings to light the rape of Mexican women while crossing the border by border security. In the article “Border Violence Against Illegal Immigrants” there is a statement that reads: “The agent is suspected of raping the three, including a mother and her 14-year-old daughter… (Houston) " This statement supports the lines that are said above because it constitutes an example that explains what Mora states in La