Introduction It is usually very important for any restaurant, not just a university restaurant, to have an adequate floor plan that ensures the correct flow of activities and service. Otherwise, accidents usually occur, such as guests having difficulty locating the guest room or even getting lost while traveling, servers and guests colliding with each other while turning a sharp curve, or when people have to sit next to them. a stranger(s) in order to give space for another individual to pass through a corridor. To avoid such situations when designing the restaurant it is necessary to investigate the specific needs of the restaurant which in this specific case include; 3000 square foot burger restaurant on a small college campus in New Jersey. Burgers, chicken sandwiches, fries, light breakfast and drinks will be served. The restaurant opening hours will be from 8:00 to 23:00. Seating will accommodate 100 customers at tables of 4 people each. The staff will be made up of a head chef, 3 assistant chefs and 6 kitchen staff. The Basics of a Restaurant Floor Plan A restaurant floor plan has a number of important factors that need to be taken into consideration, particularly the location of bathrooms, dining areas, and the kitchen. All restaurants should have a practical and functional floor plan that takes into account the flow of users from the dining room to the toilets or from the kitchen to the dining room. Waiting areas and hostess stations should be located at the front of the restaurant, where people first enter the restaurant. Public restrooms, the cafeteria and the dining room are other spaces that must be located in front of the... center of the paper....... The environment of a campus gives it more attributes than the public restroom. Even if they lack sufficient space, they could be excluded considering that a campus provides other areas that serve the same purpose. Employee toilets They should be as simple as possible and must be separated from public toilets. Conclusion If all the important factors are considered and taken into account, you are likely to come up with a practical and functional floor plan that will ensure maximum customer satisfaction. Building users, including employees, should feel comfortable working/eating within its walls. Works Cited Laine, T., Kosonen, R., & Gordon, E. (1999, September). Kitchen design tool: an integrated environment for designing layout and ventilation. Paper presented at the Proceedings of Building Simulation, Kyoto, Japan.