The right of women: abortionAccording to Edward Abbey, “The abolition of a woman's right to abortion, when and if she wishes, is equivalent to compulsory motherhood: a form of rape by part of the State". Ultimately, abortion should be a decision of the mother carrying the child, and the government should have no say in what the mother can or cannot do with her own body. There are various scenarios in which a woman needs the option of having an abortion. However, there must be strict medical guidelines for those seeking abortions, so that unsafe abortions do not occur. That said, although there should be government regulation of abortion practices, government funding should not be provided for abortions because it would simply lead to many citizens abusing the system. It is essential that a woman has the opportunity to have an abortion. . For example, Sandra Jones “was at high risk for ovarian cancer and recurrent breast cancer” (Katz and Wright 2006, 1) when she discovered she was pregnant. Doctors had warned that her pregnancy was extremely dangerous for her health due to the risk of cancer. If Jones had decided to continue with the pregnancy, her life and the future of her other two children would have been at stake. Unfortunately for Jones, there was no official abortion clinic near her home. However, she soon found the Dr. LeRoy Carhart Abortion and Contraception Clinic of Nebraska, a clinic in a small town that is one of the few abortion providers in Nebraska. Carhart has helped women from miles around get abortions. If it weren't for Dr. Carhart, many women would be stuck and confused about what they should do next. Dr. Carhart offers a safe and reliable clinic that ensures women's health safety and comfort. ... half of the document ... I will be there to make sure all abortion practices are safe. However, government involvement in monetary issues should only be aimed at improving the safety of procedures in abortion clinics and not at providing social money for abortion. Hopefully, one day women around the world will be offered the option of a safe, correct and legal abortion. Works Cited Berer, M. “Making Abortions Safe: A Matter of Good Public Health Policy and Practice.” World Health Organization Bulletin 78, no. 5 (2000): 580-92. (accessed February 17, 2012).Katz, Ingrid T., Alexai A. Wright. “Abortion Eggs Versus Reality: Abortion and Women's Health.” The New England Journal of Medicine 355, no. 1 (2006): 1-9. (accessed February 20, 2012).