In the book How Great Is Your God helped me examine my spiritual journey and helped me understand that charity and compassion are not the same. However, charity can be given without compassion, but compassion coexists with charity. Furthermore, this course also helped me understand the importance of giving back to the community as a duty and covenant made with God and humanity. As a committed Muslim, Islam teaches the importance of treating our neighbors with kindness and justice, so much so that Prophet Muhammad Salallahu Alahi Wa Salaam thought there was something wrong with his Jewish neighbor who used to throw feces in the his yard and one day the neighbor didn't throw out the feces he knocked on his door to make sure his was ok. While it's easier said than done, we can't continue to complain about the social condition when we don't look in the mirror and find better ways to help society. This world religions course not only taught me a lot about myself and strengthened some things I already had