Topic > Same-Sex Marriage - 1103

One of the biggest controversies raging in the United States today is the fight to legalize same-sex marriage. Some states such as Connecticut in 2008, Vermont in 2009, Massachusetts in 2004, New Hapshire in 2010, New York in 2011 and the District of Columbia in 2010 have gone as far as issuing single-sex licenses (HRC, 2011). While others recognize same-sex marriages, Maryland in 2010 and Rhode Island in 2007, civil unions, Delaware and Hawaii in 2012, Illinois in 2011 and New Jersey in 2007, and domestic partnerships, Washington and Nevada in 2009, Oregon in 2008, and California in 2007 (HRC, 2011). However; while it may seem like “equality” that there are state-level laws in favor of civil unions and domestic partnerships for same-sex couples, on paper it is anything but. Those who oppose the legalization of same-sex marriage raise the points that it is unbiblical, is against their religion, and threatens the sanctity of marriage. Former Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist also expresses his opposition to same-sex marriage: “I feel strongly that marriage is a sacrament and that it should and can extend to that legal entity of the union between what traditionally in our Western values ​​it has been defined as between a man and a woman. So I would support the amendment” (Associated Press, 2003). Furthermore, others argue that this undermines traditional family values ​​and may even create confusion in children about gender roles or even increase divorce rates. In contrast, the United States of America was founded with the intent of keeping church and state separate, and considering that so few states have legitimately passed laws supporting same-sex marriage, it is nearly impossible to prove truth. .... half of the sheet ......riamble). Therefore, no man or woman should fall under discrimination based on the above-mentioned religious beliefs. Thirdly, in Clause 1 of Article 4 of the Federal Constitution it is stated that “The citizens of each State shall be entitled to all the privileges and immunities of Citizens in the several States”. Given this, Maryland and Rhode Island should not be the only states to recognize same-sex marriages that occur outside their jurisdiction. laws-state-by,2933,90731, tables/12s0075.pdfwww