Topic > Negative Effects of Frozen - 1523

When children are exposed to new topics, become curious and without proper education, children's curiosity can lead them to negative outcomes such as sexually transmitted diseases. Only 9% of television sex scenes mention the complications and health risks of unprotected sex (Grant). That said, one study found that when children watch television programs that involve sexual content, they are likely to become sexually active at an early age and, furthermore, that sexual talk alone has the same effect as sexual depictions (Collins et al .). Association of these two points; If young people become lewd when exposed to sexual content, how safe is it to expose uncensored sexual scenes to children knowing that only a small percentage of shows discuss the risks? Most television programs teach young people about the exciting aspect of being sexually active, but not how to protect themselves from diseases transmitted through sexual activity. Most uncensored television programs arouse lust in teenagers but do not educate them about safe sex which can be dangerous for their health. Relatedly, a researcher who interviewed 75 teenage girls found that some of them watched soap operas before becoming sexually active and didn't think their favorite soap opera characters would