Topic > The Hunger Situation in North Korea - 789

Nowadays, hunger, and even malnutrition, have become a big problem all over the world. Hunger is a lack or absence of food. The effect of hunger can be broad and affect large areas: villages, cities, towns, etc. (Anderson 1990). Very strong feature of hunger: its area. It is much easier to fight famine in a small village, but if famine occurs in a larger place such as a city, it will take a long time and will be the cause of large expenses. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) (2012) 870 million people suffered from “extreme hunger”. The United Nations (2013) also stated that “24 million people do not know where their next meal will come from”. The most unprotected target of hunger is children, which is why malnutrition has a dramatic impact on children. Children, who are small and need many vitamins and nutrients to grow, must maintain a healthy diet rich in beneficial components (Gabriela Mistral 1948). But for children born in countries with a high percentage of poverty, there is no choice about what to eat and what not. Nutrition plays an important role in the life of the child, malnutrition can cause diseases and can make the child stunted. Children cannot move properly and for this reason they cannot get food for themselves. Lancet (2013) confirms that hunger causes 45% of the deaths of children under 5 years of age and that 3 million children worldwide die due to famine. North Korea is an East Asian country with the long name Democratic People's Republic of Korea. The hunger situation in North Korea is not good at all. According to the Global Hunger Index (2010), North Korea has 19.4% of its population hungry. Compared to 1990 it has increased slightly. It is bad that the region is affected by hunger. It makes c...... half of the paper ...... due to frequent famines in the past. There are some problems with the country's politics. But there is one of the many solutions in the world. It is a solution called “A global mission to feed and educate”. It is a very well planned and strategically right solution. Because by feeding the hungry people they will be satisfied and the real time problem will be solved. On the other hand, through education for people who are in poverty and cannot pay for education, another problem that awaits the future, such as unemployment, can be solved. If good education is given to poor people in their motherland, they will work hard and become excellent workers everywhere in social work, office work, etc. And good workers will be the reason for the increase in the economy and reduction in the level of poverty, as a result hunger, famine, starvation and malnutrition.