Topic > Case Study Of Walmart - 735

What kind of technologies were used to collect sensitive price data?" It is imperative to point out that due to Walmart's "everyday low price (EDLP)", the company does not allow in largely to consumers to determine its prices. Based on Cleverism (2014), Walmart consumers have little effect on Walmart's pricing decisions This is because the convenience and cheap costs offered by the company mean that shoppers will not easily switch to competition from Walmart. Therefore, pricing methods are decided by Walmart with minimal input from consumers (Cleverism, 2014), “Wal-Mart tends to focus on providing consistently low prices without no real sales.” As a result, the company does not wait for supply or demand when setting prices. As a result, this means that the company does not invest money in technology specifically to collect price-sensitive data. However, the company through its Walmart Labs collects general information related to consumers with various forms of technology. For example, based on Datafloq (2016), the Shoppycat mechanism created by Walmart Lab has the propensity to recommend suitable products to Facebook users based on their friends' hobbies and interests. The application uses, among other things, Social Genome technology to assist consumers in purchasing various items. In