Topic > Reinforcement Schedules - 1124

The reinforcement schedule has many variables, as well as many ways in which behavior is reinforced. To fully create a reinforcement program, the person must understand the behavior they want to change. In my case, the behavior I want to change is my eating habits. In this article I will explore different reinforcement schedules and how each might work to change my behavior, as well as cause weight loss. My eating habits are very easy to explain, I eat when I'm hungry, which isn't very often. This causes my body to store all the nutrients I take in, as well as fats. This way of eating, plus the medications I have and am taking, make it extremely difficult to lose weight. The first reinforcement schedule to explore is continuous interval reinforcement. The way this is done is to reinforce the behavior through rewards each time it occurs (Feldman, 2011). As Skinner hypothesized, the rapid depletion of rewards, in Skinner's case, food pellets, can and should be taken for granted (Morgan, 2010). In my case, continuous reinforcement of healthy eating would not be ideal because the desired reinforcement is weight loss. Continuous weight loss leads to many health problems, especially if the loss is rapid. Another problem with continually reinforcing that behavior is that the rewards themselves begin to mean little. The next reinforcement schedule developed by Skinner is the partial reinforcement schedule, which means that the behavior is reinforced with a reward only part of the time (Feldman, 2011). The partial reinforcement schedule is further divided into four different categories: fixed ratio, variable ratio, fixed interval, and variable interval. The fixed ratio program is where after…middle of the paper…before I took the steps outlined in this essay and made a change in my behavior by joining Weight Watchers. The final weight loss benefit is being able to fit into a wedding dress. At the moment, I can't fit into the dress I want, as they don't have a size large enough to fit me. By following the fixed ratio and variable interval strengthening programs I will be able to lose weight to stay healthy and fit into my dress. Works CitedFeldman, R. (2011). Operant conditioning. In Essentials for understanding psychology (9th, pp. 179-182). New York, New York: McGraw Hill Companies, Inc. Freedman, D. H. (2011). How to solve the obesity crisis. (Cover story). Scientific American, 304(2), 40-47.Morgan, D. L. (2010). 50 REINFORCEMENT CALENDARS: A RETROSPECTIVE APPRECIATION. Psychological documentation, 60(1), 151-172.