Topic > Advantages and Disadvantages of Marketing Technology

One of the key initiatives for every B2B marketer is generating, nurturing and converting leads. And to increase the likelihood of growth, marketing automation platforms allow marketers to track visitors, automate campaigns, and synchronize activities across a variety of applications. The DMN3 team of marketing strategists successfully implemented an online marketing campaign for a B2B organization, and the goal of this article is to examine the technologies used to optimize conversions. Let's examine the building blocks of a marketing automation platform: Visitor Tracking Since traffic is generated from a variety of marketing channels, it is advantageous to have the ability to capture the identity of each lead in order to properly nurture opportunities to a state qualified. Any visitor who lands on a web page that contains a snippet of tracking code will generally be identified (anonymously) by IP address. This alone can be useful for generating a daily summary of visiting companies or alerting a dedicated sales representative to this anonymous visit. However, ...