Topic > Electromagnetic Spectrum - 516

The electromagnetic spectrum is the range of all electromagnetic radiation. Electromagnetic radiation can be radio waves we use to listen to music, visible light we use to see, or microwaves we use to cook food. We deal with all these types of radiation in our daily lives. RADIO WAVES: Radio waves are used for exactly what they say: radio. They are also the waves responsible for the signals received from cell phones and televisions. Objects in space, such as planets and comets, giant clouds of gas and dust, stars and galaxies, emit radio waves. MICROWAVES: Microwaves are used to heat food in a microwave oven. It is also used by astronomers to study the structures of nearby galaxies. INFRARED: Night vision glasses work by using infrared to show the viewer the heat emitted by objects and other people. It is also used in space to map dust between different stars. VISIBLE LIGHT: This is the only part of the electromagnetic spectrum that humans can see. Visible light is emitted by things like the sun, light bulbs, or televisions. ULTRAVIOLET: UV light is warm...