General information - Geographic informationThe United Arab Emirates is located on the Arabian Peninsula. The country borders Oman to the east and Saudi Arabia to the south. Across the Persian Gulf from the United Arab Emirates are Iran, Pakistan and Qatar.- LanguageThe official language of the United Arab Emirates is Arabic.- FlagThe flag of the United Arab Emirates consists of a rectangle vertical red and three green, white and black horizontal rectangles. . These colors are the pan-Arab colors that symbolize Arab unity. Although this is the federal flag of the United Arab Emirates, each of the individual emirates has its own flag with the exception of Fujairah, which has chosen to use the federal flag of the United Arab Emirates as its own instead.- Religion Islam is the official religion of the United Arab Emirates. the United Arab Emirates. The UAE has always expressed a vision of freedom of religion. Religion is a fundamental component of UAE society and its ideals can be seen throughout their political system, culture and lifestyle. Given that the official religion of the UAE is Islam, about 76% of the population's religion is Islam, other religions (such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism and Judaism) make up about 15% of the population and are mostly practiced by non-citizens, and 9% of the population practices Christianity.- Economy and IndustriesThe economy of the United Arab Emirates is the 30th largest economy in the world and the second largest of the Arab nations behind Saudi Arabia. In 2012, the UAE had a gross domestic product of $377 billion. Contrary to popular belief, 71% of the UAE's GDP comes from non-oil sources. A major part of the UAE's revenue comes from tourism. The United Arab Emirates is a member of the World Trade Organization and the Organization of… middle of paper… society makes decisions focusing on the near future or long-term outcome. A culture that has a long-term orientation embraces a long-term commitment to traditional values or goals. Long-term orientation is characterized by a respect for tradition combined with a work ethic that believes that today's hard work will be appreciated tomorrow. In short-term oriented cultures, change can occur more quickly because there is less fixation on tradition. Although Hofstede originally did not score long-term orientations for many Arab cultures, including the UAE, most third-party sources reasonably assume that a culture such as the UAE has a more long-term orientation . This can be seen in the UAE's commitment to tradition and its devotion to its long-term goals, be they economic, political or cultural..