A photograph can represent that delicate moment in which the truth is faced. In 'Camera Lucida', Roland Barthes interprets the connection between the photographic subject and the real subject as an “intractable reality”. Barthes argues that the referential truth of photography succeeds in distinguishing photography from other representational media, such as painting, cinema, or literature. Photographs can never transform or go beyond the subject. A photograph cannot originate a subject since it is itself an authentication. The presence or absence of our loved ones is important, especially in that significant moment, which stimulates the taking of images. Such a body of work can take various forms, including portraits, self-portraits, exteriors, interiors and stills. In general, we photograph those symbolic moments of family life, which we want to keep in mind, emotionally and visually. We are built to engage and practice the ups and downs of life, hence what makes us and what breaks us. Let us share our presence until we leave this place. However, the footprints and marks left on us by those who came before us become what remains of this earth. I recently lost my dear grandmother and through this project I would like to represent my bond with her throughout history and how this life event affected me emotionally. However, by capturing the loss of my grandmother in the places that held great meaning for her, she examines both the inside and outside of the marks she left on those close to her. For most of the works incorporated in this research paper, the photographers present Barthes' idyllic vision of the viewer, whose observation remains focused on the subject of the photo, rather than on the photograph itself. ...... middle of paper ...... sadness is quite evident in his photograph. The "Occupied Houses" series consists of images of empty suburban interiors of occupied houses. Even though the interior is empty, the human presence can still be felt. The link between death and loss is the backbone of my project, conveying these concepts in both interiors and exteriors. Benjamin in his critical essay, "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction" states that the impact of the media and various cultural technologies emptied the particular aura of the image; therefore it has a distinctive value. Authenticity in art has been lost due to mechanical reproduction available in the 20th century. The reproduction of art lacks presence and personality. A reproduction allows you to choose for yourself how to present it. The attachment to the subject and to the representation is considered lasting.