I always have the feeling that it depends on the exceptionality of the student on how I vary my lesson and how I help them to be successful in the lesson. I also never know what answer they want me to give. My teacher suggested I mention that I would make sure to follow the IEP and then work collaboratively with the parents and intervention specialists. Also, I'm not sure my method of classroom management was a good answer. I said I like to set a routine during the first few weeks of school so students know what to expect. I like to write goals on the board so students know what we need to accomplish during the class period. I said my main way of running a classroom was to build a routine and stick to it. When I talked to my teacher, she said that I will set consequences and then always follow them. I thought his answer was good. I seemed to like my cooperating teacher's answers better than the ones I gave, which is why we do this. I have no idea how I did overall. I felt good about many of the answers I gave, but I have no idea if they were what they were looking for. I imagine the answers they seek will vary for each district you interview