It is realizing that you have absolutely nothing of value to offer God. To be poor in spirit is to admit that, because of your sin, you are completely destitute spiritually and can do nothing to free yourself from your terrible situation. Pride can take all kinds of forms, but the worst is spiritual pride. Jesus is saying that regardless of your station in life, you must recognize your spiritual poverty before you can come to God in faith to receive the salvation He offers. Knowing this can be quite humbling, and these are the poor in spirit that Jesus spoke of. We must not be self-satisfied or proud in our hearts, we must be sincerely humble. And what does it mean to be humble? It means having a modest or low estimate of one's own importance. I think I should probably work more on this. In fact I'm sure I should. Being humble can be one of the hardest things we can do because it goes against our human nature. But Jesus deemed it important enough to be the first of eight new Christian ideals centered on a spirit of love, humility, and