Most people think of the Vikings as rude, crude, and mean people who simply wanted to destroy and steal everything. But is it really true? Was there a reason behind the Vikings' anger and destructive mentality? Their way of life was different from that of most people of the time. But they were very skilled at many things. They had different beliefs and this may have influenced the way they thought about things compared to other people. As well as leaders they may have had at different times and where they lived. What ultimately happened to the Vikings? If they were so powerful, why didn't their population last longer? There are many interesting topics about the Vikings; but these are the most important. Most Vikings lived in Scandinavian countries such as Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. But it has also started to establish itself in other countries such as Iceland; the Vikings discovered Iceland in the 9th century, a country with volcanoes and lots of snow. They also settled in Russia, the Netherlands, Germany, France, Normandy, England, Scotland, Iceland and Canada. Normandy was one of the largest and main settlements of the Vikings and was founded by Rollo, a Viking leader after conquering England in 1066. In the 10th century the Vikings founded the first European settlement in Greenland. The Vikings also destroyed France in 855. Just recently, archaeologists and historians discovered that from 989 to 1020, Vikings lived in Newfoundland, Canada, and had huts for different activities such as weaving, ironworking, and ship repair. This is the first evidence of Viking existence in North America. Because the Vikings attacked and plundered so many countries, they had the opportunity to settle in those countries. The life of the Vikings was not easy. They we... middle of paper... managed to survive. Without this people could not live and would then die or become villagers in Normandy or other countries. So yes, there was a reason behind their way of life. But it was a reason that most people today would understand. Everyone wants to live and take care of their family. At that time becoming a Viking was the only choice. Furthermore, much of Scandinavia was bad for growing crops, so they had to steal them from other towns and villages. The Vikings had a good and legitimate reason to steal and for the most part they did. Perhaps there could have been a better way to get food and care for their families; but medieval times were violent and that might seem like a good way to do it. But was it really? No one really knows what could have been done instead and whether it really needed to be done. At the time it seemed correct.