The Huntington, Seal and Hermosa Beach Piers all serve as popular multicultural recreation spots. Having not personally visited a beach in years, let alone ever been on an actual pier, my visits were new learning experiences. While I had no prior experience on the piers to compare them to, my experiences were not as different as I expected beach life to entail. Since I visited these piers on the Veterans Day long weekend, these sites were not short of visitors. As one of the most ethnically diverse states in the country, visitors of all ethnicities have enjoyed these beaches and piers. The population appeared to include African Americans, Asians, Latino/Hispanic, and predominantly Caucasian/White. Various languages were spoken. I heard some people speaking Asian languages that I couldn't distinguish. I heard a lot of Spanish, but mostly everyone spoke English. I didn't notice any difference in how people of different ethnicities behaved towards each other. I found everyone polite and open to conversation or helping take photos of others. Multiracial friends and couples were seen enjoying each other's presence. These piers exemplify the melting pot we live in, with visitors of all ethnicities and ages enjoying beach recreation. Beachgoers dressed in typical beach attire that included board shorts for the guys and bikinis for the women. Young adults made up the majority of those who dressed less modestly. Those dressed in fewer clothes were more likely to participate in sports such as volleyball and soccer, or simply bathe and tan in the sunlight. These were the typical flip flops that "beach bums" wore, who were there to expose their fit beach bodies. There were… middle of paper… who spend their free or discretionary time away from work and the obligations of life. These places provide people with escapes from their everyday environments. In line with the concept of recreation seen as recreational activities, these piers and beaches allow for fishing, swimming, walking and nature observation, among other activities. The water, the sun, the sand help to evoke a special attitude or state of mind that allows you to associate beach piers as places where you can have fun and share culture through the diffusion of ideas, practices , beliefs and values. While many use the piers primarily as a means to socialize and have fun, they also renew themselves mentally and spiritually in the process. By enjoying nature, I am able to take part in transcendent experiences, reflection on self and others, tranquility, increased awareness and connection with others, and appreciation of the beauty of the world..