Topic > A Story to Remember - 1519

The story's two main characters, Irene and Chiara, leave the reader wanting to know more about the lives of two very different cultures. Racism, society, and all people's opinions have changed since the time the book was based on. Irene is not accepted in the world and is ashamed of being a black woman, while Clare struggles to keep her black past a secret from everyone around her. Reading Passing by Nella Larson is an eye-opening experience that will have a lasting effect on the reader. There is an enduring anger throughout the story because of the racism of the people surrounding Clare and Irene. Clare's husband, John Bellew, hurls racial slurs as if black people have no meaning in the world. Clare's husband represents all white people and their feelings towards different cultures and races in the late 1900s. In one part he rudely jokes with Clare about the color of her skin: “Well, you see, it's like this. When we got married, she was white as... and white as a lily too. But I declare that it is getting darker and darker. I tell her if she's not careful, one of these days she'll wake up and find she's become a nigger” (Larson 39). He talks as if being a person of color is the worst thing that could happen to someone. White people are afraid to associate with black people because they are different from themselves and do not know the life that black people live. All white people look down on Irene and other people of color as if Ries 2 could never be the same. Black people were never to be treated as equals or given respect because of the color of their skin. John explains: “Oh no, Nig,” he declared. “Nothing like that with me. I know you ain't nigga, so it's all good. You can go as black as you want as far as I'm concerned... middle of paper with two different races dating or marrying but in a hundred years things will change. There will always be some group or some person who doesn't like another race, but things have gotten better. Irene and Chiara would have adapted to today's culture. Irene and Chiara lived very different lives. During the time when the book “passing” was the only way to be desired. The late 1900's was about racism, society, and everyone being the same as each other. Since then society has changed and people are starting to have their eyes opened to the people around them. Today Irene would have fit into today's society without feeling discriminated against. Clare would not have been ashamed of being black and living the culture she wanted to live. After finishing, the reader understands the feelings and emotions each person experiences.