In Matthew 24:43–25:13, gives us a story of Jesus. We see Jesus depicted as a thief in the night and as a bridegroom, both mirror images of Jesus like a returning King. The central message in both stories is to watch and be ready, because the day and hour of His coming are unknown. In Matthew 24:43-51 we find the parable of two slaves, one of whom is a wise and faithful servant, who takes care of the master's house (God's people). The other is an evil servant who beats other slaves, lives in the world and commits worldly acts. In Matthew 25:1-13 we find a parallel story, about ten virgins who took their lamps and went to meet the groom. Five of them were foolish and did not take extra oil, while five were prudent and took extra oil for the journey. In both stories, we find that the faithful understood that watching meant being adequately prepared, serving the kingdom, and knowing that Jesus will return at an unknown time. The infidels were not ready for the kingdom, they showed their true character and thought they had more time. The Scriptures imply that one day the Lord will return as King to judge all. There will be a reward for true servants and there will be a punishment for false servants. The account before Matthew 24:43-51, the parable of the fig tree, directs our attention to identifying the framework of events prior to Jesus' return. The emphasis is on identifying the abomination of desolation, the great tribulation, and the signs in the heavens leading to the return of Jesus. Even though the seasons will be evident, man will continue as if his life were normal. Noah's time is used as an example to show how people do not recognize what is right in front of them until it is too late. “Two men... in the center of the card... the virgins went to the wedding feast, and the faithful servant entered into the master's joy. The connections continue with the depiction of the fate of the false servants. The parable of the fig tree says that there will be one left. The five foolish virgins were left outside the wedding banquet and were not recognized by the Lord. The worthless slave was stripped and cast into darkness. The writer does a great job driving home the key elements surrounding the returning king. We clearly understand that no man knows when Jesus will return, but we can identify the closing of the season. The faithful must keep watch as they care for the Kingdom. False servants will run for life as if they have more time. The returning King will account for the true and false servants. There will be a reward for the faithful and a punishment for the unfaithful.