WHY PEOPLE TRAVEL: INTEGRATION OF FRAMEWORKS Rationale for Integrated Frameworks The theories presented in the literature section have been widely accepted in studies of tourism motivation and behavior. However, this article will examine tourist behavior based on three theories/frameworks, namely the traveler's personality, the traveler's career model, and the strangeness and familiarity of tourism experiences. The choice of integrated models is based on several reasons. First, personality (Plog, 1974, 2001) is one of the main determinants of tourist behavior (Holden, 2005). Secondly, Cohen's tourism typology is similar to that of Plog's model in which organized and individual mass tourists (institutionalized tourists) can be associated with trustworthy people, and explorers and wanderers (non-institutionalized tourists) can be transformed into adventurers (Tofujay, 2013). Third, Pearce's (1988) five levels of needs can be applied to assess changes in tourists' needs by integrating life cycle stages, personality model and tourism experiences (Holden, 2005). Fourth, studies of tourist behavior generally use only a single theory and are tested independently. Therefore, the integrated framework can enrich the study in understanding tourists' behavior. Destination Choice Understanding destination choice is seen as a critical factor for tourism researchers/scholars, marketers, and destination planners (Moscardo, Morrison, Pearce, Lang, & O'Leary, 1996; these authors argued that choice of a destination is influenced by the image of a destination perceived by travelers based on three concepts: the environment, activities and perceptions. The results can be obtained through market segmentation and research on travel motivation... ... half of the article ......experiences: an analysis of type and form. Annals of Tourism Research, 29(2), 520–538.Waryszak, R.Z. and Kim, H. (1995) Psychographic segmentation of tourists as a predictor of their travel behavior. Journal of Hospitality and Leisure Marketing, 2(4), 5-19. doi: 10.1300/J150v02n04_02Wearing, S., Stevenson, D., & Young. , T. (2010). Tourist culture: identity, place and travellers. London: SAGE Publication Ltd. Weaver & Lawton (2010). Tourism Management, 4th ed. Milton: John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd.Williams, JA & McNeil, KR (2011) A modified travel career ladder model for understanding academic travel behaviour. Journal of Behavioral Studies in Business, 4, 1-10. Retrieved from, J. J., McKercher, B. & Mena, M. (2004). A cross-cultural comparison of travel characteristics. Travel and tourism marketing journal, 16(1), 65-77.