Global warming has been a problem for quite some time now and has only recently been adopted by a large number of people in their efforts to combat it. However, there are people and organizations who argue that global warming does not exist or is not caused by human activities. After reading my text, Taking Sides, about the debate between UCS members and CEI members, I wanted to do a little research of my own to see if the claims they were making were accurate. Although members of the Union of Concerned Scientists and the Competitive Enterprise Institution argue for opposite sides of the global warming issue, they have much in common in their tactics for winning the debate. Both organizations have credible and unsavory backgrounds and pay huge amounts of money to those in the administration to gain their support, as well as donating money to other organizations for their support. UCS and CEI also use scientists to prove their positions are correct, and both provide scientific evidence on both sides. What is global warming? Global warming is a problem we all know quite well. It is climate change that we humans are responsible for. The warming of the Earth's atmosphere is caused by the fossil fuels we burn, the cutting down of forests and the carbon dioxide and other harmful gases we release into the air (Cunningham, Cunningham, 2009). There are other harmful toxins we use, such as pesticides, that support global warming. Some effects of global warming include: increased weather disasters, melting glaciers, rising sea levels and the impact on species could lead to extinction (Cunningham, Cunningham, 2009). “Many scientists believe that anthropogenic global climate change is the most important tool for those in administration to gain influence over policy proposals about what to do about global warming and whether anything should be done about it. ExxonMobil is the most profitable company in the world and has great power. Both organizations have scientists working on research to prove their side of the debate and have both credible and non-credible data. They influenced many other non-profit organizations to become part of the global warming coalition. Likewise, the Union of Concerned Scientists has over ten million members fighting against global warming and companies like ExxonMobil. During the Kyoto Protocol, UCS members fought for the goal while CEI members fought against it. However, in the Washington Post, author Steven Mufson, writes that ExxonMobil is misunderstood and acknowledges global warming (Mufson, 2011).